مرحبًا بك في صفحة دعم المرضى الخاصة بـ
> استخدام المعينات السمعية
استخدام المعينات السمعية
Patient Sheet: How to insert and remove hearing aids with slim tubes
Patient Sheet: How to turn your hearing aid on and off and change the batteries
Patient Sheet: How to use the programme button on your hearing aids
Patient Sheet: How to use the volume control toggle on your hearing aids
Patient Sheet: How a hearing loop works
Patient Sheet: How to retube your earmould
Patient Sheet: How to clean and replace your hearing aid slim tubes
Patient Sheet: Hearing aid battery safety information
Patient Sheet: How to troubleshoot your hearing aid
Patient Sheet: How to insert and remove Danalogic hearing aids with earmoulds
فقدان السمع
Patient Sheet: Communication tactics